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Maarten Boussery

Maarten Boussery studied linguistics and literature (English and German) and comparative modern literature at the universities of Ghent and Hamburg. During his studies, he assisted at Opera Ballet Vlaanderen for a.o. F. Schreker’s opera Der Schmied von Gent, directed by Ersan Mondtag, and F. Schumann’s Szenen aus Goethes Faust, directed by Julian Rosefeldt. Since then, he has provided editorial and dramaturgical assistance for several OBV productions.

In 2022, Maarten began working as a dramaturge for Opera Ballet Vlaanderen. In this capacity, he contributed to the IOA project A Brief Draft of Human Desires by director Maëlle Dequiedt. This season, he will work on a.o. the participatory music theatre production Schemer (Dusk) by director Maja Westerveld and Daan Janssens’ opera Brodeck.

In addition to his work at OBV, Maarten has provided dramaturgical support for the performance Wunderhorn by the chamber music ensemble Goggles and for Dido & Aeneas by the Leuvens Universitair Koor. Finally, Maarten works as a freelance writer for DE SINGEL in Antwerp, where he also gives performance introductions.

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