Mezzo-Soprano, UK

Lucy Gibbs

In 2023, British mezzo-soprano Lucy Gibbs made her operatic debut as La Duchessa in O. Respighi’s La bella dormente nel bosco and covered Un pâtre in M. Ravel’s L’enfant et les sortilèges for Royal College of Music Opera, directed by Liam Steel. She went on to perform for the 2023 National Gilbert & Sullivan Festival at Buxton Opera House. In addition, Lucy has participated in masterclasses with Michael Chance and Sarah Connolly. Lucy, alongside pianist Daniel Adipradhana, was a SongEasel young artist.

Lucy graduated with distinction from the Royal College of Music in London, where she was gratefully supported by the Robert Lancaster scholarship and the Josephine Baker Trust. She read Music at Merton College, Oxford. Lucy now studies at the International Opera Academy in Ghent, Belgium.

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