MASTERCLASS Annelies Van Parys

Van Parys will provide insight in the score of Private View and the compositional process as well as in the concept of the piece, as she is convinced a good understanding of the score is very important for a good interpretation. The idea behind the different characters of the opera and their different treatment in words as well as music can be helpful to feel the music better. We will also focus on the different vocal techniques that are required in Private View and their theatrical implications and eventually how theatricality can support the vocal performance giving the singers opportunities to test out different ideas in order to find out which character fits them best. For the ensemble fragments, the intention is to find a good and homogenic sound-quality.

Find the biography of Annelies Van Parys here.



  • International Opera Academy - 29 November 2020

Practical info

Due to the Covid-19 we can not allow public for this Masterclass.

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