Private View ◉ Sound of Ghent

  • 02/02/2021
  • Jannah Van Nevel

Even in these trying times, wonder is still possible. Watch out for the production Private View, coming soon to any screen near you via Sound of Ghent!

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Private View is a coproduction of Music Theatre Transparant & the International Opera Academy vzw, with thanks to LOD muziektheater & Opera Ballet Vlaanderen.

Music ensemble: SPECTRA
Cast: students of the International Opera Academy

Composer: Annelies Van Parys
Librettist: Jen Hadfield
Scenarist: Gaea Schoeters
Conductor: Filip Rathé
Director: Tom Creed
Musical coach: Hein Boterberg

Music published / licensed by: (c) Deuss Music / Albersen Verhuur B.V., ‘s-Gravenhage

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