Financial Support for Students
In several ways, the IOA offers its students financial support:
1. IOA Scholarship
All students at the IOA are allowed to apply for an IOA Scholarship before the start of a new academic year. IOA scholarships cover the school’s tuition fee either partly or completely. The amount of the awarded scholarship depends on the student’s financial and social situation.
2. IOA Scholarship: Student Support (StuSup)
The IOA Student Support scholarship aims to provide financial assistance to students in financial need and can be applied for by exceptional students, who distinguish themselves at their audition (grades by the professional jury). The scholarship is (partly) covering living costs.
Applicable only to students of the 2-year cycle.
3. Emergency Funding
In case of unforeseen financial emergencies, students may contact the IOA regarding an exceptional application for emergency funding with the social fund.
For questions regarding the financial support: