Financial Support for Students

In need of financial assistance?
Students can request financial support from the IOA in several ways.

1. IOA Scholarship

All students at the IOA are allowed to apply for an IOA Scholarship before the start of a new academic year. IOA scholarships cover the school’s tuition fee either partly or completely. The amount of the awarded scholarship depends on the student’s financial and social situation. Students are asked to submit a motivated application form and a proof of financial/social situation.

To qualify for the IOA Scholarship, you must:

  • Have completed the full tuition payment for the academic year;
  • Have submitted a full application for the IOA Scholarship upon the stated deadline.

If you are awarded a scholarship, the given amount will be paid in instalments (January, March, June).

Should you break the terms of the regulation, then the total amount of the Scholarship grant must be repaid to the IOA.

2. IOA Student Support (StuSup)

The IOA Student Support grant can be applied for by exceptional students, who distinguish themselves at their audition (grades by the professional jury). Students can also apply for an IOA Student Support grant for the second year of their studies, if they have proven their exceptional qualities as marked in their final first year grade. Students who qualify to apply will be personally notified.

The IOA StuSup is a grant (partly) covering living costs. The amount of the grant is determined following registration and takes into account several parameters (start-up costs, study costs, rent, …). The maximum amount cannot exceed the sum of 3.900€/year.

To qualify for the IOA StuSup, you must:

  • Have completed the full tuition payment for the academic year;
  • Have submitted a full application for the IOA StuSup upon the stated deadline.

The IOA Student Support Grant specifically aims to provide financial assistance to students in financial need. You must also seek to contribute to your own financial situation – as far as possible – through student employment.

If you are granted a StuSup, the given amount will be paid in instalments.

Should you decide to terminate your education before the end of the academic year, part of the StuSup may be withheld by the IOA. Should you break the terms of the regulation, then the total amount of the StuSup grant must be repaid to the IOA.

Students who join the programme only for the second year of the 2-year cycle can not apply for a StuSup.

3. Emergency Funding

In case of unforeseen financial emergencies, students may contact student coordinator Jo Lambelin regarding an exceptional application for emergency funding with the social fund.

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